Innovation Against Covid 19
We talked to Javier Lamas, founder of Trend Robotics about social robots, and this is what he said about it.
First of all, how are you and your family doing in these times of COVID-19?
Javier Lamas: As an individual, we are all in very good health. As an innovation company, Trend Robotics reinvents itself by manufacturing products to protect ourselves from Covid-19.
Tell us about yourself, your career, and how you founded Trend Robotics.
Javier Lamas: Trend Robotics SL was born in 2017 although the team and I have been innovating since 2007. Throughout those years, I have acquired more than 9 programming languages, industrial design, and mechatronics. With this knowledge, we have achieved products such as Dumy Robot, Carbot, ClickUp, etc …
How does Trend Robotics innovate?
Javier Lamas: Trend Robotics SL, is always innovating, creativity has no limits and there are many reasons why you should innovate and create products to simplify people’s lives.
How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your company’s finances?
Javier Lamas: All companies have suffered in finance, one of the strong pillars such as tourism has stopped, it has also affected us, The whole team is strong and our minds are always innovating, that is very positive and we must continue forward.
Did you have to make tough decisions regarding human resources and what are the lessons learned?
Javier Lamas: At times like this, we make very hard decisions, since each person in Trend Robotics is very important, the lessons learned are that we are stronger and more creative, many have learned to value people more, in Trend Robotics we already have that value From the beginning, our philosophy is to improve people’s lives. During the months that the population was in confinement, the Trend Robotics team manufactured 3,500 protective screens, basic respirators, and temporary mouth covers, with antibacterial materials, sending said material to the 8 Canary Islands, the Iberian Peninsula, Cameroon, and other countries. Many factories went to work to protect our medical staff, police, firefighters, pharmacy staff, ambulance staff, elderly caregivers, and many more.
How did your customer relationship management evolve?
Javier Lamas: We have always been very demanding with customer service, for us it is essential and by nature, our team is very friendly.
Do you use any specific tool to be efficient?
Javier Lamas: We have custom software to control time. In innovation, time is our ally and for us, it is very important to work together.
Did you benefit from a government grant and did that help keep your business afloat?
Javier Lamas: Until today, we continue with our own resources.
Your final thoughts?
Javier Lamas: Innovation is part of our lives and that is why great advances have been made, in these times of pandemic, vaccines have been achieved, new ways to sanitize, continue to have contact with our relatives far from us, that businesses Small people sell online, work from home, people are very strong and with innovation the world is not going to stop because of covid19, the pandemic has come without warning, that is why it is very important to be prepared, in short, innovation is present and future.
Published 2 days ago on 03/04/2021 By Kossi Adzo
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